Friday, November 27, 2015

DIY - Do To Go

I am just stacked in a condition where I have many things to do but have no willingness to finish them all. Like "Look at all this bills. How they are going to get paid!?" then I started singing wholeheartedly...
Well, let say that I am definitely bored with my job and tried to find another things to do. Besides, there are also many people in this world getting bored with their monotonous activity. I concerned on that point and started thinking on the best way to avoid boredom and start being productive. Here I would share to you some recommendations of activities to do when you get bored.
Here are the DOs to GO:
(1) Sleep: Well I meant it. Said for example that you're about to finish your job, get stacked, and just tried to finish but still can't move even closer to the "end". That must be tiring. Let your body get enough rest, and try to continue soon after that. Love your body, keep healthy, and your brain will work even better. 
(2) Reading a Book: Ok, it might seem like I was telling you to forget your job and find a comfy escape. Not at all. According to some articles I read on the internet, reading book for at least 15 minutes can refresh and recharge your mind, so that you can think better and feel far more relaxed. I tried this myself and find it so advantageous, but still, I have to control my self to be not over doing thisss. Beware everybody, bewareeee...
(3) Do Blogging: Well, this is what I actually do. A short talk to myself to be shared to the globe. And I am just sitting here with nothing to lose but time pass by. 
(4) Eat: Eat a lot. Be happy. Be you. Nobody hates eating. So, just eat no matter how fat you are. Love yourself!
(5) Stop reading this and start doing things!

Homemade Dragon fruit Lemon Juice

Sunday, August 16, 2015

DIY - Kipas Angin Cantik Penyejuk Ruangan

hi fellas, 
Hari ini saya akan berbagi tentang hiasan kamar seru yang bisa membuat kamu sejuk sekaligus nyaman. yap, Kipas Angin Cantik Penyejuk Ruangan.
Postingan kali ini berkaitan dengan barang-barang usang yang udah gak seru buat diliat tapi mash berfungsi. Sayang sekali kalau kalian memiliki barang-barang yang masih layak pakai tapi karena tampilannya yang makin usang kalian memutuskan untuk membuangnya. Nah, kali ini saya akan berbagi cara asyique untuk mempercantique barang-barang lusuh yang kalian miliki. Untuk postingan kali ini saya akan mengajak kalian untuk menyejukkan mata dan tubuh kalian. 
Mungkin beberapa dari kalian memiliki "kipas angin". Yap, saya akan membicarakan kipas angin. Yaa okedeh buat kalian yang gak perlu kipas angin karena udah punya ac atau emang tinggal di daerah yang gak perlu kipas angin, ga apa, keep reading and share to your friends atau family yang punya kipas angin yaa... 
Saya akan mengajak kalian mewarnai kipas angin kalian agar lebih indah. Pernah liat kipas angin pas muter kan? Warna pada kipas angin biasa-biasa aja kan!? saya punya ide unique dengan mencat baling-baling kipas angin sehingga menjadi berwarna-warni. Pada saat berputaaar... baling-balingnya menjadi transparan dengan gradasi warna yang indah! Kalian hanya perlu kipas angin, obeng, cat, dan kuas.
Pertama-tama, kipas angin yang biasanya kalian pakai, rajin-rajin dibersihin ya, soalnya bisa menampung banyak banget debu (sekarang kalian pasti lagi ngeliatin kipas angin kalian, oke maksudnya bagi yang punya). Membersihkan kipas angin bisa menjadi pekerjaan yang bikin males. Untuk membuat pekerjaan kalian makin mudah, kalian bisa melepas bagian-bagian dari kipas angin kalian dengan obeng. Seriously it works! hati-hati jangan sampai ada bagian yang patah atau rusak. 
Kedua, siapkan peralatan melukis kalian (kalau saya memakai cat acrylic), cat lah bagian baling-baling dengan rapi seperti pada gambar. Warnai sesuai selera kalian. 
Ketiga, rakit kembali kipas kalian dengan baik. Ingatlah untuk memasangnya dengan benar agar tidak terjadi hal yang tidak diinginkan. :)
I Love You All, xoxo 
Kipasnya kalo lagi muter
Warnai kipas seperti ini

Saturday, July 18, 2015

If You Don’t Master Your Money, Your Money Masters You

Okay, it happened when I was in 3rd semester in English Education Department. My lecturer asked us about our perception towards money. I never thought it seriously before and this is what I wrote:
Money can’t buy us happiness, but can bring us closer into happiness. Money can give us satisfaction, one of the happiness elements. To get the satisfaction, it isn't about how much money you have but how you spend it for. Spending money wisely can give us a surety of health, good education, good job, etc. For me, satisfaction is about eating the heavenly delicious foods and drinking fresh and tasty beverages. I like eating so bad, I love trying many restaurants, cafes, bakeries, and many food courts. I love pizza, spaghetti, lasagna, tiramisu, pie, ice cream, gelato, muffin, doughnut, orange juice, mocha float, nasi campur, es kelapa muda, Italian foods, Japanese foods, Mexican foods, Chinese foods, etc. Surely, I can’t get it without money.
All the things we need require money. Beside to fit out satisfaction, money can also be crucially needed to get our needs. Say about cell phone that you can life without nowadays, you need money to get it. What money can devote besides are financial for health support, daily needs, clothes, and many other needs. That’s why people are seeking for money more and more. Even thought money is what we can’t life without, it’s not everything. Money can change people, although it is better or even worse, but be sure your money is spent to make your life better. Even so we can see nowadays that many people force themselves to earn money, money, and money however the ways are. That’s also the reason why the criminality among humanity is happened even increased.
Money might be small, but its influence is overwhelming. Have you ever watch movie entitled “Remember Me”? It shown a prosperous family that lives in a big house and owns a very big company, but the family isn't complete, there are just father and his children without the mother. The father are focusing his mind just in his business, the children is about some numbers thread behind. Feel ignored, the children died one by one, they committed themselves suicide. The last son died at the big Watch in the town, here he wanted to remind his father the importance of his family and the time that he spent for. The family also needs time to be spent together. Money is not everything it’s about how you spent it for. If you don’t master your money, your money masters you. 

Wednesday, July 15, 2015

TripTip - A Save Trip to Lembongan Island

Lembongan Island or Nusa Lembongan is one of a small island in Bali. This Island is located on south west of Bali Island, only 12 kilometers from Sanur beach which takes about 30 minutes by speed boat. There are many fast boat agencies which can be found easily. There are various kinds of ticket and departure time, the first departure of a fast boat agency is from 08:45 A.M. and the latest time for departure from Lembongan Island is at 05:00 P.M. It is better to take the round trip ticket for the friendlier price (my tip-off), it only costs Rp. 100.000,00 per person for local people, and it's obviously need a good bargain (it really works if you are a native :D).
This island is very attractive with its beauty and fresh nature and becomes the second most favorite Island in Asia. There are so many tourism objects in this Island, but all the road fits only for motorbike or bicycle, cars cannot pass through the ways. With only 8 kilometers in size, this Island can be explored for a half a day. The natural sightseeing experience is one of the most fun activities can be done in this geographically attractive small Island. Mangrove sightseeing is very enjoyable, there are also many water adventure activities and local cuisines (it is a must to try, trust me).
Mangrove sightseeing is one of many adorable activities can be done in Lembongan Island. It takes about 45 minutes by boat and cost only Rp. 50.000 by a good bargain. The other activity is snorkeling, the water creatures are so adorable, and it costs Rp. 60.000 per person for the local with a good bargain (haha). The most special local cuisine is the fresh and big grilled fish with Balinese sambal, they were the best in the Island.
The Mangrove Forest
The Beach
Grilled Fish
The best grilled fish and Balinese sambal
The Dream Beach

The Cave