Tuesday, August 30, 2016

A Letter to My Motivation in Life

Dear Friends,
Sharing is caring!
What is happiness? Can you describe what happiness is? How does it look like? We never know, but we feel it. Being with somebody we like, can be a great happiness too.
Well, why do we talk about this kind of sh*t? 
Happiness is the one and only everybody's goal! In Bali we call it as "Moksa". It's the opposite state of sadness. Everybody wants to be happy. Then if being with somebody we love is a happiness, how about the jomblo one? Can't they be happy too? 
Surely, can! Somebody we love is not merely means a lover or what soever, but also families and friends. I have many of them, so my life is wonderful. Thanks to everybody who surrounds me with warmth and trust. That's all I really need besides that sweet warm hot chocolate with marshmallows. 
My friends are all so awesome. With their childishness, warmth, playful smiles, kind attention, humbleness, positive mind, they perfectly cheer my days up! The gangs, squads, duos, photo hunters, food hunters, everybody are just become a perfect match for my colorful day.  
Thank you for staying, and not leaving. For the understanding and caring. I cant be what I am now without you. I love you all, and I wont lose you for good!
With L O V E,
Cherrie Hana 

Tuesday, August 16, 2016

I've been broken

"Hey it's Romeo. You nearly gimme a heart attack"
That gravelly voiced lead singer with long curly hair. His voice just cant go out of my mind. Such a lovely, I mean, a talented young singer. He's a really good blues singer in her age for sure. You know, singing blues is so something, it needs talent, I guess. Not a thing you can grab easily. Just like his fu***n "attention. JK!, don't get me wrong, sigh.

Hey you. I'm not typically like blues, but I like you. like crazy. 
-End of the story

NO! It cant be ended like this! At least let me know some more things about you. Hey, why do you rock on blues? Is it kinda blues rock, or rock n roll, or let's roll? (well, if it isn't funny, I shall leave now). You seem like having some songs that you like to sing the most, what are they and why? (is it because of ... well... OK, I'm leaving). Are you really single? Why are you single, you are such an ahh well lovely, funny, cute, friendly, smart, cute, cute, and cute!? omg 

Ah when you said you are just an ordinary boy trying to be normal. I replied, "don't be normal, that's boring!" it's literally mean "boy, you are awesome just the way you are, don't be anybody else. sincerely your public secret lover". Gee, boys are stupid in some cases. 

Especially when you just ignorantly called my name, touch my back, asked me questions, be really really kind. You didn't even realize that I cant breath as normally as I supposed to be. But I was so happy. and in the same time, confused. and broken. 

Did you now, that I've almost mistakenly sat on the wrong table after you calling my name that night. My mind just went somewhere else. I was loosing control. It's a shame. I made fool of myself. I went there every Monday just to see him. I mean watch the show of course! But does it matter anymore? No. cuz I'm broken. 

He's that typical kind person and naturally really friendly to other, furthermore he realized me as his high school mate, nah only a student in the same school. We haven't known each other before, just that have known, have seen memories. So he was just trying to be kind! 

But I wont get it wrong. So I'm broken. 
I'm not comparing myself with other girls... I'm not... You know, when girls say no it means No! 

Hey, you messy girl! Light it up! Quotes say "don't dream too high". But I want to dream high so if I fall, I'll fall in the high place too. Just be careful, don let life knocking you down to the ground. You rock! Don't give up! There's still many many boys to flirt with, before your thirties! 

It's kinda random post. A thought, a reminder, a single alert?

Get well soon, Cherrie. You are totally messed up! 

Thursday, January 21, 2016

Change the Ordinary, Be Extraordinary

I am just an ordinary girl lives in an ordinary family. A proud daughter of my artsy dad and workaholic mom. I have a lil brother who is as ordinary as me. Oh, not really, he is quite famous in his age. Ya he looks a bit more Japanese than me, as ma mom is Japanese but I don't really looks like Japanese at all. He has a few girlfriends. He doesn't event understand about the meaning of love nor a lover or what soever yet. He's just 12 yo. I am 10 years older than him. I am 22 which about to become 23 yo and still counting single. 
I am still an ordinary who wants to be extraordinary this year on. "My 2016 will be more productive!" Why should be more productive? There is no better answer than "I need more money!" I wasn't born in a wealthy family. I wasn't born rich, but I know that I was born to be rich. I have many blank check boxes in my bucket list. I want to collect cool stuffs, go travel, have a giant closet with many fashion stuffs as a fashion look book be real. I need much money, right? So I need more effort, more than them who can get things that I wish to have easily. Everybody has different goals in life. There is no better words to represent this, a challenging time! 
To be an extraordinary is to break the cycle of the ordinary. I think you all feel this but do not really realize it. We have such kind of cycle we believe happened to us. The cycle would be:

It's even too easy to find this image on the internet! The world has accepted it! What the Fun!
Do you understand this cycle of life so far? 
I thought so. Yas, it's really suck. Why don't we change em and be Extraordinary. Be the one who gets everything! The one who have Money, Time, and Energy! 
Then how to be extraordinary?
It's easy. If you don't have time, make it. If you have no money, make some. If you have no energy, try to live healthily. We can start from some typical sayings. We cannot life alone, so make friends. Everybody has problems, so fixed it, move on, and start again. Sharing will be a solution as well, that's why you should have friends-who beliefs you and can be trusted. Start it and Make it! 
Live isn't easy, so live simply. 
It's not the magnitude of our actions but the amount of love that's put into them that matters (anonymous). Good luck fellas, love y'all xoxo

Monday, January 18, 2016

Single itu Anugerah

Sudah beberapa bulan ini saya hidup dalam kemandirian dan ketabahan. Ga ada salahnya hidup single. Mungkin kita sering merasa malas mendengar celetukan bahkan sampai ejekan dari teman perihal kesinglean kita. But why so serious? 
Kita ga usah terlalu mikirin omongan orang. Sekarang kita benar-benar sudah masuk dalam era dimana kita bebas berpendapat dan menggila. Sudah banyak meme yang beredar mengenai keanehan-keanehan kita sebagai manusia, orang Indonesia pada khususnya. Itu hanyalah pendapat, yang terpenting adalah bagaimana kita menerimanya dan menanggapinya. Ejekan yang bahkan sampai mengarah ke arah bullying sudah pasti merupakan hal yang sangat negatif. Tapi tentu kita sendiri lah yang dapat menentukan hasil efeknya terhadap diri kita sendiri. Kalau kita menanggapinya dengan positif, tidak terlalu mengambil pusing, mengambil sisi positifnya, dan lives go on. That's the key, anda adalah Single Berkualitas #applause. Take advantage on everything, be the happy you. Saya akan memaparkan beberapa ide-ide terkait single life, yang sepenuhnya berasal dari pemikiran sendiri yang diperkuat dengan kemampuan saya dalam merangkum kisah-kisah kehidupan cinta, ilmu curhat, artikel, dan melihat aksi-aksi di masyarakat kita saat ini.

You are an Awesome Single if you are:
(1) Single karena belum menemukan pasangan yang serius dan anda not officially move on yet. Ini berarti anda adalah single yang tidak suka bermain-main dalam relationship. Anda tidak egois untuk selalu ingin punya pendamping padahal anda sendiri hanya menjadikannya sebagai pelampiasan, nah loh khan asem. 
(2) Selama nyingle, anda tetap melakukan hal yang positif. Anda tetap melaksanakan rutinitas harian anda dengan baik. Anda juga tetap meniti karir dan pendidikan setinggi mungkin. Apakah anda sadar, disaat anda serius dengan masa depan anda, akan ada banyak lawan jenis anda yang akan tertarik dan menganggap anda pasangan yang kompeten. Dan anda paham kan, Anda akan mendapatkan pasangan yang kurang lebih setara dengan anda. Saya gak lagi ngomongin tinggi ato berat badan, ini tentang karir dan mungkin strata sosial. Semisal anda sedang susah-susah menimba ilmu di UI nih, jadi pasangan anda juga ga bakal jauh-jauh amat nyeleneng dari tempat anda. Mungkin dia adalah penghuni sungai Ciliwung. Canda deng. Ya paling banter anda ternyata bisa deket sama dosennya? #modus Jadi simplenya begitu, intinya kalo kita orang Bali ya susah bisa pacaran sama orang Jakarta. eh 
(3) No galau. Okeee, selama jadi single kita pasti tidak terlepas dengan yang namanya galau. Entah karena kepikiran umur yang uda bau tanah tapi masih belum punya pacaar, kapan nikahnya. Atau karena ga ada temen main pas weekend karena temen-temen uda pada sama pacar. Ato pas kondangan nikahan temen kitanya ga ada gandengan. Hahaha baryaw :( Ato karena pertanyaan orang tua soal "Kapan kamu ngenalin mama sama pacar kamu?" "Kapan nikah" Blah, blah. Jawab aja "Aku akan kenalin di waktu yang tepat." 
(4) Memanfaatkan kesempatan dengan optimal. Hey guys, harusnya anda berbangga dengan kondisi single anda, tapi ga usah berlebihan dan kelamaan juga sih. Karena dengan menjadi single, berarti anda akan memiliki banyak waktu untuk diri anda dan keluarga anda. Waktu untuk hobby, mengembangkan diri, bahkan melakukan hal-hal luar biasa yang dulu hanya sebatas ide untuk anda. Sekarang anda benar-benar memiliki banyak waktu untuk itu! Bahkan anda bisa mengembangkan karir anda, menggali potensi anda, dan mengenal diri anda lebih dalam. Ketahuilah bahwa kehidupan rumah tangga itu ngga seenak kelihatannya, itu sangat berat. Semisal saya sendiri yang tinggal di Bali dengan kegiatan adat dan segala macam sesuatunya. Makanya hanya sekarang waktu anda untuk melebarkan sayap. Freedom is everything. Sebelum anda melepaskannya, nikmatilah. Bersyukurlah.
(5) Melakukan hal-hal positif kayak menabung, olahraga, menambah banyak teman. Nah, yang terakhir merupakan hal yang paling sulit dilakukan jika kita sudah tidak single lagi loh. Manfaat kan, tambah teman sebanyak mungkin, bangun koneksi. Kalian tidak akan pernah tahu pengalaman dan pelajaran seperti apa yang akan anda dapatkan bersama orang-orang baru disekitar anda. Tidak ada pelajaran yang lebih menarik dari pola pikir yang berbeda-beda dari orang-orang yang berbeda. Kita benar-benar bisa sharing, dan benar-benar menemukan sesuatu yang benar-benar baru! Kalian tidak akan pernah tahu spot-spot semisal "Rumah the Panas Dalam" di Bandung kalau ngga dari orang yang emnag tau, gitu misalnya. Kalo nyari di web sih mungkin ada, ya maksudnya ya kitu, gampanganlah kalo ada nativenya :) 

Masih sedih menyandang gelar single? Semoga engga ya, kita berjuang bersama. Kalo kamu cowok single, comment yas ;) Ohya sini aku lampirin foto sok candid yang menunjukkan kebahagiaanku menjadi single 2016.
Traveling sama temen biar ga galau. Bali itu indah loh, hayok Explore!